Week 3 Updates


Today, we started constructing some of the basic components of our design.

Mia and Stuti began to design the electronics, working with the Arduino Uno and a breadboard and LEDs to learn the basics before diving into the large project components. They successfully made an LED blink on and off. 

Casey, Zarraf, and Vicki began to construct the box that will serve as the base for the bears to sit and pop out of. Using scrap wood already in the labs, the team began to assemble a box, but with planks instead of plywood. The wood was prone to splitting, so the team had to be very careful when drilling.


Mia and Stuti met today to learn how to make the Arduino and breadboard combination to power the DC motors that the Innovation Studio provided us with. With the help of the internet, they found a breadboard setup that powered the motor, but were unable to specify the speed that the motor would spin.

However, after some help from Mia's brother, some code found on the internet should work if we change the type of resistor that we were using initially.

This is a link we used for the breadboard setup: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-arduino-lesson-13-dc-motors/breadboard-layout

Notes for next class:

Parts needed for motor breadboard setup:
2n2222 transistor

PN2222 Transistor

1N4001 diode

270 Ω Resistor (red, purple, brown stripes)

use squiggle pins (PWM~): 3

Find right resistor and the code on adafruit (website) should work.
