Week 5 Updates
This week we are going to focus on getting all of the mechanical parts working. Specifically, getting the larger bear to spring up, the smaller bears to move in the background, and the lights and audio.
Today, Mia attached the fabric to the box to make it look like a "theater," as shown below. The fabric that we bought can be found at this link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008TLJZXK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Vicki, Zarraf, and Casey began work on the large bear. They soldered and connected wires to the stepper motors to hopefully give the large bear enough power to spring from supine to standing up.
Stuti continued to work on the arms of the large bear with the DC motors and the Arduino Uno/ Ardumoto combination. Motor A in this setup was not working with the code, so tomorrow Stuti and Mia will meet to figure this out.
Notes: According to Arjun, put the motion sensor in the 3.3V outlet in the Arduino Uno board.
Zarraf and Vicki met to power the stepper motor to make the large bear spring up in the front. They successfully wrote code to do this.
Stuti and Mia met today to try to work on some coding of the other elements of the project. However, we did not have some of the parts needed to test the code, such as the correct wires to connect the PIR sensors to the arduino. Also, Mia's computer with the code saved on it was being repaired at this moment, so we weren't able to test the old code as well.
We did make a list of things to do though to take us through the rest of the term.
Mia bought paint and brushes to paint the exposed wood on the box frame. It can be found at these links: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007WMHX0O/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Notes: According to Arjun, put the motion sensor in the 3.3V outlet in the Arduino Uno board.
Zarraf and Vicki met to power the stepper motor to make the large bear spring up in the front. They successfully wrote code to do this.
Stuti and Mia met today to try to work on some coding of the other elements of the project. However, we did not have some of the parts needed to test the code, such as the correct wires to connect the PIR sensors to the arduino. Also, Mia's computer with the code saved on it was being repaired at this moment, so we weren't able to test the old code as well.
We did make a list of things to do though to take us through the rest of the term.
Mia bought paint and brushes to paint the exposed wood on the box frame. It can be found at these links: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007WMHX0O/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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