Week 8 Updates


This week we need to finalize the set-up of the smaller background bears, as well as finalizing the circuitry for the lights and audio. The audio is proving difficult because while we have all needed parts, there has not been a useful source to provide us with the information to set up the circuit.

Today we worked on the pulley system for the main bear as well as getting the motion of the small bears working.

The pulley system includes a stepper motor, a pulley, and a string attached to the bears head as seen below.

The small bears may be replaced by something lighter, like a cloth to look like a ghost, because the DC motors are not powerful enough to wave the stuffed animals back and forth.


Today, we finalized the moving aspect of the bear arms. Using two servo motors (Tower Hobbies Sytem 3000, STD TS-53) and chopsticks, we attached the motors directly to the bear and were able to make them move up and down. 
